View Full Version : Yes, I know it's July.. but.. Snow chains?

07-28-2006, 01:14 PM
I live in a mountain area and we are required to use tire chains whenever it starts to snow if your car is 2WD. With my previous Jeep I didn't have to chain up, but obviously I will with my Yaris. Anyone have experience with Spikes Spiders? I am considering buying the 'sport' model, but not sure if the Yaris has enough clearance for this type. I am assured by the company that the regular models (where there is no actual chain around the tire) will work, but no response yet if there is enough clearance for the Sport. I don't want to get regular chains or cables if I don't have to, as they are a royal pain in the butt to get on and as I am female I get unwanted attention from 'helpful' men that I'd prefer not to have :) :) :).

07-28-2006, 01:22 PM
No experience, however you could also consider the chains they sell from Toyota.

07-28-2006, 03:51 PM
Hmm, I checked the toyota website and didn't see anything regarding chains for the Yaris? Do you have a link?

In either case, I kinda don't want the usual chains, I have my heart set on Spikes *if* they will work..

07-28-2006, 04:10 PM
Well this is from the Japan site however there are a couple vendors here that could possibly help get them?


Also it looks like they have sets that are not actually metal, but some other material...I wonder how well they work and if it would be worth while purchasing.