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Old 08-15-2009, 10:16 PM   #1
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new Yaris 2009 sedan, 1 month old - problems already?


I'm a student driver who just got a new yaris 2009 sedan about 1 month ago.

I have never drove before, and I do not have any experiences with cars.

Since I started driving, I noticed a tiny clanking noise. I turn on the engine, shift the gear from P to R, then move the car backward to get out of a tiny parking lot, and then shift the gear from R to D and start driving and then I hear this "clank" noise. This usually happens almost everytime when I turn on the engine and start driving.

Today, i got into a worse problem. My car was parked in a parking lot which has no inclined spaces. so basically I turned the engine on - shift gear P to R - get the car out from the lot - shift R to D - then drive out... but I gear D was not working. It was "D" but the car was still going backward. I also noticed the break pedal was very stiff ( I couldn't push the pedal all the way in). I put the gear back to P then I turned the engine / my car off completely. When I restarted my car, the car was okay (other than the clank noise again).

I was going to see a technician next monday.. I was wondering if any of you can give me some comments/advices regarding these problems. Thanks for reading!

* Update: my car is "automatic" and and I have to pass gear N (the order is P-R-N-D.. ) and I always stop when I shift gear from R to D..

Last edited by rirakuma717; 08-16-2009 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 08-15-2009, 11:09 PM   #2
Yaris Hilton
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For one thing, you should never shift from "R" to "D" while rolling backward. Stop the car, then shift and drive off.

The car's under warranty. Get the dealer to check it out.
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:11 AM   #3
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also the clanking is probably going from R to D and the transmission is getting knocked around.

they should teach kids these days how to drive stick. It should be mandatory

It always shocked me when i would meet these young asian girls when i was in college that could drive my car perfect. It was one of the WTF for real? moments
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:15 AM   #4
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get it checked by the dealer to make sure there is no tranny damage, then from now on just make sure you are stopped before shifting into or out of any gear range.
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Old 08-16-2009, 04:12 AM   #5
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You should have a good experienced driver ride with you and see if you are doing things correctly.
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:59 AM   #6
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How many miles on your Yaris? Mine used to clank when I first got it then it went to a loud click (that's how my car got it's name). After about 1000-1500 miles it got completely silent.

MAKE SURE you give the transmission plenty of time to engage the selected gear ESPECIALLY on a new car. This can take 2-3 seconds especially after the car has been sitting for awhile.

I doubt there is a problem if your vehicle is brand new but I would encourage you to get it looked at if you aren't comfortable

"The howl was the sound of God’s casting pot, the morphing of my cells into shape, the forming of oceans out of molten premordial plasma. And I could feel it. I could cry for it. I could cry with it."
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:32 PM   #7
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Well, I got my license already, and I hope I know all the basics about how to drive a car. My car is "automatic" and and I have to pass gear N to go from R to D (the order is P-R-N-D.. ) and I always stop when I shift gear from R to D.. Hope this makes my problem a little bit more clear. I've been driving about 430 miles.
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:34 PM   #8
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Sounds like your shifter cable is broken, or theres a problem with the valve body in the transmission.
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Old 08-18-2009, 10:25 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by rirakuma717 View Post
Well, I got my license already, and I hope I know all the basics about how to drive a car. My car is "automatic" and and I have to pass gear N to go from R to D (the order is P-R-N-D.. ) and I always stop when I shift gear from R to D.. Hope this makes my problem a little bit more clear. I've been driving about 430 miles.
I really don't think you're doing anything wrong. As I said mine did the same thing when it was new-sounded like the thing was coming apart! My hunch is the shafts are a little tight for whatever reason until they break in and they hold tension until unloaded when the axle shafts change direction.

My car has gone from doing it everytime the car changed direction to never doing it. I never took it to the dealer I figured (hoped?) it would come out of it and it did. It is now my favorite of the transmissions I have ever owned. I'm thinking within 500-1000 miles yours will be golden too. Good luck and as I said before if your uncomfortable with it have your dealer look it over.

Please check back and let us know how things work out!

"The howl was the sound of God’s casting pot, the morphing of my cells into shape, the forming of oceans out of molten premordial plasma. And I could feel it. I could cry for it. I could cry with it."
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Old 04-11-2011, 01:38 PM   #10
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thank you!

I know it's been a WHILE Now I'm an ïntermediate lvl driver (I already hit 12k... hehe). My car makes less noise like R2D2 said and I thank you for giving me various suggestions and advices.

Right after I got R2D2's last advice I checked at the dealer shop but they didn't see any problems. I have been doing maintenance every 5k or 6 months (my part-time job money is going all here) I thank everyone..especially R2D2 who is driving the same 09' Yaris. :) I almost (sorry for the super late reply) forgot about replying back but I replied anyway.

I love my car and I will be driving this car until it falls apart
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Old 04-13-2011, 01:00 AM   #11
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I believe there is a noise associated with the ABS system going through a self test....

After you start the car and drive off there is something like a spring snapping sound that is slightly metallic but subtle and somewhat muffled. if that is what you are hearing then it is more than likely the brake ABS system going through its self test. Some cars it is louder than others and some cars it is hard to detect.
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