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Old 05-28-2009, 04:41 AM   #1
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DIY: Colibri Power Window Install

This is what I did to make it work, if anything happens like a fuse blows or somthing, you will remember reading this and look in your side view mirror and yell at your self.

Ok just to start this is just to help people, not a detailed DIY but thought it might help.
Many people seem to get or want to get this kit from A1, and it a good kit so here we go!!

So first I wanted to mount it to the door. If you want to wire it up first jump ahead.
So take off them door panels (guide for it is already there so I will skip it)

Now you will quickly notice two things that I think look like a fishing pole and reel. So I will call it that. Call it what you want.

So on the "reel" you will notice once side with holes. Very cool holes. And one side with MORE holes! holy smokes! the side with the more holes is where you will bolt the brackets to.

Now you can choose which holes you want to use and where to mount your brackets. You might need to cut or bend them.

Now there is a bolt on the top! Sweeeeet! one less hole to drill. Dont be shy USE IT!

Whoa whoa whoa dont put that cutter away just yet, you might need it for the other brackets, yes there is more~

Now you see a bunch of black plastic pieces like a....oh idk... Gundam kit or model airplane. You dont need them all.

Now you will see this

Look for the one that says "8" and remove it, you are going to use that.

now put it on the door crank.

Now I dont have pics for this but you will see three(3) parts, one large, one medium, and one small. Use the medium on and pound it into the end of the fishing pole, making sure it is sicking out AWAY from the door.

next you will see this part

Now this is important. on that thing you just pounded into the end of the fishing pole, if you look hard you will notice that it has a small hole in it.

now line up the holes and slip them together with the one you put on the crank. Then notice that there is now two holes

you will screw in two small screws

Now make some brackets for this part, YES! you need them!

I know mines looks ugly!

Now let wire it up!

If you read the wiring guide is pretty easy to understand, but if you dont here ill make it easy.

The color of lines = the color of wire.
Here is the driver side (driver window switch and passenger switch)

Here is the passenger switch, there is two black wires (one goes to the motor)

Now you need the thread it threw everything, you can use whatever route you want, but when it goes in the doors make sure that it goes around this bar.

if you dont, when you roll down your window it will hit the wires.

Now this part is what I had problems with.

"Where to tap for power?!"

ask around, I used a relay. You can do something else if you want. So this part is all you~

Now i will tell you what i did. Im not telling you to do this, I wont hit you with my dip stick if you dont do it my way. Im just saying what I did.

So I picked up a SPST relay. what is that? its a relay with the 4 prongs.
now they will be numbered (30, 85, 86, 87)

30- Straight to battery
85- he was bad so I Grounded him
86- ignition wire (I tapped to my alarm)
87- Power window wire (red)

your done.
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Old 05-28-2009, 09:45 AM   #2
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great info Taiyaki,

Im waiting for the brown to deliver my Spal power window and door lock kit today ...I can use this info and install it .....
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Old 05-30-2009, 07:53 PM   #3
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So now there's a hole in your body panel where the crank used to be?

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Old 05-30-2009, 07:58 PM   #4
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they include caps to over it in the kit
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Old 05-31-2009, 10:23 AM   #5
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Whew, that looks like a lotta work.
Glad I sprang for the power pkg!

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Old 06-01-2009, 09:05 AM   #6
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^Oh it was. Alot of blown fuses and dozen of trips to Napa auto, and Checkers. haha
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Old 06-03-2009, 04:55 AM   #7
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hmmm not sure what you are saying about the switches. But the kit comes with them, and you need to cut out a space where ever you want them. Now if you are wondering if you can use the Toyota ones, I am not sure.

my wires dont go to a fuse. it goes to a relay. I describe what I did with my relay in my post. Wires wise, its very simple. When you get your kit and take a look, you will know where go to where. its basiclly two bunches of wires (one for drivers, and one for passengers) if you are doing it on a 4door. Im affraid I cant help you, since Im not sure.
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Old 06-04-2009, 09:00 AM   #8
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if you just want your driver side to have one switch (for the driver) you can just not hook up the otherswitch, but you might need to cut one of the switch holder thing, since they only give you ones for two switches.

Ok for the power wire, you can ask around for a good place to tap too.
If you try and tap it to some place like the radio, it will blow the radio fuse.
If you try and tap it to a strong 12v like straight to the battery or the big fat black wire on the fuse panel it will blow the fuse connected to the Power windows.

I used a SPST relay, and how I wired it is up in my post. But it seems others found a place to tap to, so they saved $8. haha
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:46 PM   #9
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Yes you ground to the chassis.

You need to buy or if you have extra wire laying around you can use that. I used the same gauge wire as the power windows. Yes on the relay the prongs are numbered (30,85,86,87).
Yes you need to hook up the Ignition, even if you dont have a alarm. So you need to tap somewhere else. Im not sure where.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:13 PM   #10
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Nice thread. I've been contemplating on whether or not I should try to upgrade to power windows. The install doesn't look too complicated but I'm hesitant with working with the wires before knowing for sure what to do and what not to do.

Just wondering, when it says in the post above that one wire goes "straight to the battery" and another is "grounded" - is this exactly like what you would do for an amp for a sub (where the power wire goes through the firewall, etc)? Guess this might be a stupid question lol.

Also, wheres a good place to put the relay?
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Old 07-07-2009, 05:21 PM   #11
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could you take a picture of where you put the relay at, and the wires location, sorry for the bump!
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Old 07-09-2009, 05:07 AM   #12
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You can put the relay anywhere you want. The only wire you need to get is the power wire from the power windows.
The rest are just same gauge wire going from the relay to ground, tapped to ignition, and straight to battery.
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:09 PM   #13
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Can you post some pictures of your door panel after it was reinstalled, and also can you rate the performance of the motors.
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Old 04-17-2016, 09:45 PM   #14
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Does anyone know if motors automatically stop when the window is fully up or down, even though the switch is still pressed down/activated?

If not, can I expect to find any other kit that has this option?

I'm planning to buy an aftermarket kit for our Yaris '08, and Colibri seems the most recommended.

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Old 04-23-2016, 05:03 PM   #15
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even with factory power windows the motor does not stop when fully up or down, it just forces the window and goes nowhere. I do not think any kits have that as it would require limit switches to be mounted inside the door panel to track the position of the bottom of the window
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Old 04-28-2016, 10:03 PM   #16
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How come? Driver window almost always has the option to open and retract fully with one press of the button. You press once (with a bit more force) and it opens/closes the window to the end. Not sure how is that feature called, but it stops the window motors automatically for sure - otherwise they would fry the motors and/or drain your battery.

Also, many better factory packages will include option to automatically roll up all of your windows when you remote lock your car. Again, due to car batteries this has to be very controlled action. Motors must stop when they are fully open/closed.

I know it's possible. Just wondering if Colibri or any other aftermarket kits are capable of this.

I found this on Amazon, it seems to be the controller you would need to fully open/close windows automatically. However, I'm not sure. It would be the best if this is supported out of the box by Colibri.
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