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  The Tire Rack

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Old 10-31-2010, 11:05 AM   #1
Drives: 06 Yaris Sedan
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The weird, old and new. Brakes, Sqeaking, Suspension noise

So its been a long time since I have been on here. Mostly because of no issues, or because my previous issues never got resolved even by toyota tech's.

But just to help people out who may be having some issues:

So I last reported that my car drums were always causing some weird noise, like high escaping fast at high pressure. I could make this happen by applying the brakes and letting go, or engaging the e-brake and then letting it go quickly.

This was because my drums were never self adjusting! Every time I changed my oil, or rotated my tires, I turned the star wheel about 14 clicks, and got the car feeling like new again; no more stopping with the front end dropping/rear never gripping.

My mechanic told me, while changing my shoes: The star assembly was reversed! He said from the factory, left was suppose to be on right, and right was suppose to be on left! That has now been fixed with no brake shoes.

As for my sqeaking problem, which I thought was my belt, was actually my wheel wall rubbing against the A/C compressor when the engine was in R or D. That has also been fixed.

And as for my suspension:
I am having noises and creaking coming from that.

I just got Tokico's for the rear, which were installed yesterday. And WOW what a difference from dead shocks. Such a smooth/stable ride in the back. Front is still wild. And now the from are about to have Monroe struts installed in about an hour!

Can't wait for that!

Then I also got my snow/ice tires waiting to be installed. Then finally an allignment, because I noticed the tires are fading incorrectly/tire sqeaking when taking turns with the wheel turned a lot.

Hopefully, if people notice any if those noises or issues, that they check for what I wrote, and get it fixed!
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Old 10-31-2010, 01:59 PM   #2
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Finally a person that figured out the Yaris squeak problems.
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Old 10-31-2010, 11:20 PM   #3
big lo
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How come you are not installing Tokico blue in the front to complement the rear
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