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Old 03-26-2007, 11:52 AM   #1
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Keep your vehicle protected!

Here are some suggestions on what tolook for when thinking about a vehicle alarm

"This post is regarding alarm systems and how to best protect your equipment from being stolen.

Here are some common features that are included with most decent quality alarm units:
115dB Siren
Impact Sensor
Keyless Entry
Starter Kill
Horn Honk
Parking Light Flash
Headlight Flash (Low and Hi)
Hood and Trunk Pins0
Door Pins

Although those features will stop most timid thieves out there, they probably aren't going to stop veteran thieves, crack heads, and thieves with a lot of guts. So here are some ideas on how to go one step further in preventing these people from stealing our hard-earned belongings.

1) This is the major problem: A thief can simply bust out your driver's side window, reach in without opening the door, pop your hood, cut the battery cable, and now the car alarm is totally disabled. For a skilled thief this process would literally take about 15 seconds. There are two things I would recommend you do to prevent a thief from disabling your alarm in this manner. The most recommended method is for you to invent in a steel cable hood lock. The cable runs from under the dash of your car, through the firewall, and mounts itself underneath the hood. It is locked and unlocked using a key from the inside of the vehicle. Without this key, the hood cannot be popped open. This will prevent easy access to your battery. At this point the thief can either run away, try to grab and dash, or try to access the battery by crawling under the car. Although I highly doubt a thief would go through the trouble of crawling under your car to cut the battery cable, it has happened before. Mount your multi-tone siren next to the battery pointed downward. Mount a peizo siren next to it, also pointing downward. We want to make it very uncomfortable for our thief to stick his head under the car with those sirens blazing right in his ear.
If you aren't interested in the hood lock, the other method is to invest in a siren with an internal battery "backup system". This siren will continue to sound even after the battery has been cut and power has been disabled. The siren is disabled using a special key. A thief would have to take this siren and smash it on the ground in order to disable it. Because of this, I recommend you use more than one battery backup siren in your alarm system.

2) Most alarm installs are done by splicing into one of the vehicle's constant +12 volt wires either at the steering column or at the fuse box. I am pretty certain that a thief can smash the fuse box with a crowbar or baseball bat and destroy the vehicle's electrical fuses. Of course this would disable the alarm system without the thief even having to mess with the battery. To prevent a thief from using this method to disable your alarm system, I recommend that you run your own constant +12 volt and ground wire from the alarm's brain straight to the battery, and fuse the 12+ wire at both the brain and the battery. This way, if the fuse box gets smashed it won't affect the alarm at all.

3) At this point our thief is more than likely very frustrated. There's a chance he will now choose to get under the dash and snip some wires to disable the alarm. Any single bright colored or red wires are going to be targets. I recommend that you run all of your wires through black loom tubing so that they appear to be part of the vehicle's factory wiring. Wrap the loom in black electrical tape to prevent the thief from opening up the loom and looking inside. And use black plastic zip ties to mount the loom high up inside the dash. Mount a peizo siren under here pointed downward toward the floor. It will be extremely uncomfortable for a thief to have his head anywhere near this type of siren.
But you definitely do not want to mount the alarm's brain here under the dash. You want to hide the brain as best as possible. I recommend you mount the brain inside the dash, underneath your center consol if possible, or in the trunk. You could also mount it under one of the seats but a thief may check there.

4) I just want to mention the sirens once more. Most alarms come with a single multi-tone siren, around 115dB or so. I recommend you purchase one or two more multi-tone sirens and several 115dB peizo sirens and incorporate them into your alarm system. The louder the alarm is when it is tripped, the more attention is drawn to your vehicle and the more likely a thief is to give up and run away. Not to mention it will hurt a thief's ears if he goes anywhere near the peizos.

5) Let's talk about something I mentioned earlier, the good old grab and dash. Even with a security system of this caliber, that won't necessarily stop a thief from popping your trunk lid using the trunk latch inside of the vehicle, grabbing your subwoofer enclosure or amplifier, and running away with it. If possible you may want to remove your trunk latch. That way, you would have to use your key in order to open the trunk lid.
Another thing you could do is bolt your subwoofer enclosure or amplifier rack to the trunk floor. Use safety torx or another odd-shaped screw to do this. Chances are a thief won't have the correct tool to unbolt your equipment and will give up.
Also, you want to secure your headunit to your dash's frame so that it cannot be removed using those slide rail "keys". Use safety torx screws for this as well.

6) If you want to take your security system one step further, I recommend you incorporate a blue police beacon. This may be considered overkill by some, but it is very effective in preventing thieves from continuing with the robbery once the alarm is tripped and the police light is activated. Especially in a public area such as a parking lot or a residential neighborhood. People don't really tend to pay attention when they hear someone's car alarm go off in a parking lot, but everyone tends to take notice when they see those blue rotating police lights. It would draw a lot of attention to your vehicle, therefore causing the thief to flee. Of course, it would have to be mounted somewhere on the inside of the car.

7) Always check with your insurance provider to make sure your stereo equipment is covered in case of a robbery. If it is not covered under comprehensive, as them if you can take out a separate policy on your equipment. Make sure your insurance provider has receipts for all of your equipment and pictures as well. Often times when a thief realizes they are unable to steal your equipment they will destroy it in anger. If your insurance company refuses to cover your stereo equipment, I highly suggest you switch to a different provider who offers this.

8) Besides insurance, the most important thing is to not draw attention to your vehicle. Car audio stickers are a dead giveaway to a thief that the vehicle has something worth stealing inside of it. Vehicles with expensive rims, exterior modifications and body kits, alteza tail lights, racing decals and stripes, etc, are also targets for thieves. Always remove your faceplate before exiting your vehicle. Always lock your doors. Do not tell anyone that you do not trust 100% that you have an expensive audio system. Turn OFF your stereo about five minutes before you stop and park your car somewhere. Bumping your system in the mall parking lot as you look for a space to park may not seem like a big deal, but you have pretty much told every would-be thief in the area to "steal my stuff". Also, if you are in high school or college, NEVER turn on your system anywhere near campus. There are a lot of stupid kids out there who have no respect for other people's property. Be smart and protect yourself." -S.D's Grand Masta

"Running power to the battery is what Clifford used to suggest. There is no need to run a ground there. Your intire car frame is a ground.
The blue police light is a cool idea but it's illegal.
I would suggest this.

1.Standard alarm with one siren, LED, keyless entry, starter kill, dual stage shock sensor. 2.Add one or two internal piezo sirens. One under the dash and another in the trunk by your system.
3.A battery backup is a must. Battery backup sirens are good but they only power themselves.
4.Add a hood and trunk pin. Most vehicles have at least a trunk pin to control the light.
5. All wires should be soldered and tapped. I love the yellow flex loom method. Anyone who knows cars knows yellow means AIR BAG wires.
6. Hood locks are a great way of keeping the hood closed and the battery protected.
7. Add extra sires for a better effect. This will draw more attetion than that 6 tone siren everyone has on their car.
8. Horn honk on top of sirens really draws attetion.

Smashing the fuse box under the dash dosen't do any damage to most installs. The main reason for this is, the power wires at the ignition are fused under the hood.
Glass breakage sensors are almost pointless if you have tint. The tint will absorb the shock of the glass breaking.
Motion sensors are very tempermental. The weather can greatly effect them. Not to mention birds and people passing by. Don't waste your time unless you have a convertable.

The best advice I can give is don't advertise your system. Everybody wants to show off. It's your friends that jack your ****. Take off the face plate. Buy a carry case and take it with you. Lock it in the glove box if you have to. Tint the windows to hide things. Use back straps to hold the radio in the dash. Mount your amps with odd screws. Mount your sub enclosure. If it was a pain to install. Just think how hard it will be to steal." -S.D.'s Murph

"1) Don't bump your system too close to home, work, the gym, the movie theatre, etc. If you're going somewhere where you'll be staying a while without leaving; i.e. the movie theatre or fancy restaraunt, thives know you're not likely to rush out of the movie theatre to save your car's stereo equipment, CD's, or other items.
- Solution: keep your system quiet and don't make yourslef too known.

2) Don't make yourslef a target by being stupid. Don't rush into your local liquor store leaving the keys in the car and the car running. This would seems obvious right?
- Solution: always take your keys with you, and always lock the car and arm the alarm.

3) Your system is your business, not passers-by. Be proud of your system, but not by all means. I love my Alpine HU, and my MBQuart speakers, but I don't display their manafacturer's stickers on my ride. A thief sees Alpine stickers, he see a target.
- Solution: keep your car clean of advertisements.

4) Detachable faceplates are meant to be detached. You park your car in front of your home, you go in, you fall asleep on the couch. Meanwhile the one time you leave your faceplate on, it's gone!
- Solution: Take the faceplate with you, it takes two or three seconds. Or $300-$500 to repalce it.

5) Don't skimp on the security. A good theif can disable your alarm by simply touching your frame with a pair of powered jumper cables. A good alarm will have a battery backup. Also a starter kill is a plus. A good alarm installed properly cannot be ripped out by even the more experienced thieves.
- Solution: pay the higher price for the better alarm. You get what you pay for" S.D.'s Fawkes

Like I've mentioned before on these forums...a responder alarm will TELL YOU what is happening with your vehicle! Think about it.
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Old 03-26-2007, 01:17 PM   #2
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Just another reason it's better to drive a LB, I guess.

Still, in all, I don't see much of use here. Even the best measures can be overcome by a determined, skilled thief. Why a determined, skilled thief would be taking aim at a Yaris...I'm not sure. I don't expect an alarm system to do anything more than convince the curious amatuer to move on to a car that doesn't have a blinking LED on the dash.

Originally Posted by sqcomp View Post
. If possible you may want to remove your trunk latch. That way, you would have to use your key in order to open the trunk lid.
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Old 03-26-2007, 01:57 PM   #3
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A skilled and determined thief taking on a well installed responder alarm. Depending on WHERE you are the odds are still in your favor.

As for me, I never go to the mall. I do go to electronics stores every so often, still, I am usually less that one minute from my vehicle in the long extreme.

That one minute with a responder and a backup battery will give me the chance to meet the douche face to face...which I have NO problem doing.

If your vehicle is just sounding off and not able to tell's just a noise maker.

In my instance, I have the ability to show up to a party with some "insurance"...legally...

Maybe I'm an exception.

Put some effort into protecting your investment instead of rolling over and giving the $hitheads a free hit of tar heronie.
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
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Old 03-26-2007, 02:27 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by sqcomp View Post
A skilled and determined thief taking on a well installed responder alarm. Depending on WHERE you are the odds are still in your favor.
That one minute with a responder and a backup battery will give me the chance to meet the douche face to face...which I have NO problem doing.

If your vehicle is just sounding off and not able to tell's just a noise maker.
my thoughts exactly which is why i went with a 2-way pager alarm system. i've had a couple of false triggers but each time i've run outside to see what was going on and that makes me feel really good when i know i can be notified of any wrong-doing of my vehicle.
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Old 03-31-2007, 11:28 PM   #5
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Just to make sure, we *are* still talking about the econobox Yaris, right?

For a moment I thought he was talking about securing a Porsche or something.
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:33 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by cleong View Post
Just to make sure, we *are* still talking about the econobox Yaris, right?

For a moment I thought he was talking about securing a Porsche or something.
yes but, alot of the teenagers buying the econobox then put $5000 worth of stereo equipment in them..

and really a porsche needs lojack
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:18 PM   #7
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I have the Clifford Matrix RSX 3.5 which is awsome. I tell everybody to get this alarm especially the remote start is capabilities and a quarter-mile away security is sick.
I was 17-20 I lived the "Lifestyle". Fast cars, skanky hood rats, and stupid kids trying to prove who was faster. -Spades(the one and only street racer)
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:27 PM   #8
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Yeah, I've got an alarm(/remote start) with a pager and all, but while the claimed range is soemthing like 1 1/4 miles or 1 1/2 miles (I can't recall), the actual range once you're inside a building is much, much shorter.

Originally Posted by sqcomp View Post
A skilled and determined thief taking on a well installed responder alarm. Depending on WHERE you are the odds are still in your favor.
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:11 PM   #9
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has anyone thaught about someone looking for a nice yaris to pick up real cheap this would be a good shopping place !!! i have my car fully exposed on this site also blocking the plate number in your pics no big deal you list your city and state they will find the car if they want trust me !! as to one of the post about its a yaris not a porshe thats not the point we all like what we like and stealing can be harfull to your health if i catch the scum bag trying to pull my car ! and yes a true pro dont worry about any alarm out there all else fails tow it away works everytime lojack not a bad idea but when they pull a car they suspect lojack they park out of the way and pay someone to watch it for 48 hours or more before moving it again . bottom line if they want your ride they can get it !! i just hope they dont get mine
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Old 07-23-2009, 03:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by pennyracer View Post
has anyone thaught about someone looking for a nice yaris to pick up real cheap this would be a good shopping place !!! i have my car fully exposed on this site also blocking the plate number in your pics no big deal you list your city and state they will find the car if they want trust me !! as to one of the post about its a yaris not a porshe thats not the point we all like what we like and stealing can be harfull to your health if i catch the scum bag trying to pull my car ! and yes a true pro dont worry about any alarm out there all else fails tow it away works everytime lojack not a bad idea but when they pull a car they suspect lojack they park out of the way and pay someone to watch it for 48 hours or more before moving it again . bottom line if they want your ride they can get it !! i just hope they dont get mine

I think you have two things to worry about...
1: your car standing out
2: your car blending in.

If you car stands out too much, people will brake a window and steal your aftermarket electronics. If your car blends in too well, your car gets stolen to be a mobile meth lab.

deviate too much in either direction and I think you set yourself up. The yaris isn't that common of a vehicle... not like a camry or civic... so I think its relative safe from being stolen. Blast your music all around town though... and you will probably get a broken window.

I've had 3 windows broken out of my cars.... 2 out of the three times they broke in to steal a bag, thinking it was a laptop... or tons of camping gear... both times they would've been relatively upset cause nobody buys high school text books or used rock climbing equipment used. Sucked to be me tho. The third time they stole a tape deck worth about $5 from me... I was actually happy they did... I got a better radio for free, and it happened right before I sold the car.

Always park near a street/parking lot light if you can. Don't park in the same place all the time... change it up. Keep change, bags, clothes, or anything with a value of more than $.25 out of sight.
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Old 07-25-2009, 06:36 AM   #11
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Chiming in from Camp Victory...

Hello Taln!

Common sense will keep your car protected in most applications. I've had my car broken into one. That was the LAST time that happened. My car right now...aside from being 10K miles away and in a spotless. When I return the only thing you'll see looking in is the a-pillar mounted tweeters. My alarm LEDs will be in the vents and not exposed. The source will be backstrapped, and the RS1000 alarm will have a backup battery that is WELL hidden and inaccessable to anyone who doesn't know where and how to remove it.

I also don't advertise my music near where I live. Besides, the deadening in it will help kill that annoying boy racer rattle.
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Old 09-08-2009, 02:45 AM   #12
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btw where do you guys mount your alarm modules\ battery backup I need an idea
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:26 AM   #13
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I'll never tell...

Just kidding. I usually go deep into the dash of the car. The location combined with the 3M double sided tape I use make it very impossible given the time a thief has before I get to his skull and put him in a world of hurt.

They'll pop the hood and cut the battery power and the look on thier face is almost worth the look they have when I say hello a few seconds later...they take about five to ten seconds to understand why the car is still screaming at them.

That's more than enough time to come across a parking lot with bad intentions.
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:57 AM   #14
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Heh, an alarm sounding alarm lol. I LIKEY. I would probably have an anurism from getting so angry. Good for the thief, bad for me. I have an uncontrollable temper. I literally almost pass out when I get to my peak maddness. Its gods way of keeping me from dying i think. An anger governor. lol On second thought, maybe letting me know someone is messing with my car is not a good thing.
In a world... where things squeak, wont fit,start to bleed, or are just plain hard to do.... ArmorAll will fix that
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:34 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by sqcomp View Post
I'll never tell...

Just kidding. I usually go deep into the dash of the car. The location combined with the 3M double sided tape I use make it very impossible given the time a thief has before I get to his skull and put him in a world of hurt.

They'll pop the hood and cut the battery power and the look on thier face is almost worth the look they have when I say hello a few seconds later...they take about five to ten seconds to understand why the car is still screaming at them.

That's more than enough time to come across a parking lot with bad intentions.
Since your the master of all car security I have a question, why is it that even after I set my car alarm to max sensitivity its still like nothing?
I touch the car nothing, I pushed the car nothing , then I shoved the car still nothing not even the warn away lol.
I would think this would make it easy to just smash a window cause im sure I shove with more force.
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Old 09-09-2009, 11:18 AM   #16
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Whoa now! I NEVER EVER said I'm anywhere close to a guru or "master" of security.

There are several different sensors at play in your question. You have a tilt sensor and a glass break sensor. Who put the alarm in? It is very concievable that the sensors are not adjusted correctly. It is also concievable that a sensor is bad.

This is of course VERY general. I'm not there to see what exactly is going on...


Why in the world would you let yourself get SO mad you pass out? Hell, the only time someone needs to pass out is when the thief is being hip choked after being cracked over the back of the head...
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
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Old 09-09-2009, 10:37 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by sqcomp View Post
Whoa now! I NEVER EVER said I'm anywhere close to a guru or "master" of security.

There are several different sensors at play in your question. You have a tilt sensor and a glass break sensor. Who put the alarm in? It is very concievable that the sensors are not adjusted correctly. It is also concievable that a sensor is bad.

This is of course VERY general. I'm not there to see what exactly is going on...


Why in the world would you let yourself get SO mad you pass out? Hell, the only time someone needs to pass out is when the thief is being hip choked after being cracked over the back of the head...
Ok fine you will be the half master of security but still better than me I guess.
Yea and I installed the alarm myself to make sure no other people are touching my beautiful wiring. I don't think it has a tilt sensor it just has some stage 2 impact sensor as it says on the box.
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Old 09-10-2009, 03:02 AM   #18
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Did your kit tell you how to adjust the sensetivity?
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
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