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  The Tire Rack

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Old 03-15-2016, 10:29 PM   #1
Drives: 2008 HB
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 3
Exclamation Passenger Power Window replacement

I think the motor in my passenger door has gone

The last time I successfully used it, I put the passenger window all the way down and the motor wasn't making a very healthy noise.

Since then I haven't been able to move it at all, and the motor/regulator don't make any noise like they're trying to operate

Before it died completely, I had troubles using the passenger window switch, It would either work if the drivers side controls hadn't been touched yet since the car turned on
If the drivers side controls had been used first, you had to use the drivers side controls for the passenger window to put it down a little bit, then the passengers switch would work
No the passenger door lock button was not on

Also, I have a recall for the drivers side power window switch, and I had attempted to book in, but I hadn't been in yet for the seat rail recall, and they had to order in parts, so dealership said just come in at the same time for all the recalls

Anyway, the drivers power window switch shorted out and started smoking, I was able to remove the switch and stop the 'fire'
So after this is when I put my window down for the last time (not sure if it could be related) but my drivers side controls work fine even though they have a molten hole in the side (I just disconnect after I use it to avoid another short)

Anyway, I have today tried to remove the power window regulator, and I can't remove the window as it is all the way down and the bolts are obstructed, is there anyway to manually crank the window up to get access to bolts?

Sorry for the long post, any help greatly appreciated :)

- Brodie
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