DIY: Urethane Engine mounts
I apologize ahead of time for not taking pictures, but I will attempt to describe the best I can of the process. It is fairly easy, the hardest thing is taking off the motor mounts and reinstalling them. The process after that, is clean up the rubber with a brake parts cleaner and a brush. Just to take some of the dirt off of the rubber inserts. In each of the 3 motor mounts they have large openings in between the rubber. I was actually able to flex the bolt holes with my hands, which made me a little leary of how flexible these actually were. Anyways head to Advance Auto and pick up a tube of 3M windo-weld I believe is the name, but its basically a fast urethane. You will need this and a caulking gun. Slowly squeeze out the tube into the motor mounts, making sure to start in the middle and work your way out to keep air bubbles from forming. After you are finished flip the motor mount over and fill from the middle out. Then I used a plastic spoon to press the material into the motor mount and smooth it out to look a little nicer. Then all you have to do is wait until it dries. Unfortunately this takes at least 24 hours, if not more. After completion, you will not be able to move the bolt holes at all, or at least I couldn't. Nice cheap and easy mod. Only problem is you are out of commission for a day or two. You may want to pick up an extra set and do the mounts out of the car and then just swap them when they are dry. This will allow for minimal downtime, and easy change out of the rear mount (kind of a tight fit), however, this route costs slightly more then the 12$ mod I did. but then again you could sell your mounts on here, or do another set with urethane and sell them on here with urethane in them already. Just a thought.