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Old 12-27-2008, 08:48 PM   #1
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The Nitrous Thread

I'm going to be purchasing the Holdener manifold with nitrous bungs. There are a few problems with this...

[1] I have never owned a tuned car, let alone a car that had nitrous.
[2] The Yaris is my daily driver and has to be for another 24 months.
[3] I've never installed nitrous, nor do I know anything about system maintenance
[4] There is very, very little in the way of documented experiences with nitrous on this platform

Having rattled all of that off, lets make this thread the end-all for those of us looking to put nitrous on a Yaris.

Correct me if I am wrong... the bungs on the manifold are set up for a wet system, correct? There are three types of systems: dry, wet, and direct port. Dry systems inject through the intake or filter, wet systems in the manifold and direct port systems have ports on the head that inject straight into the cylinders. So, this is a wet system.

Things we will need/want... a remote bottle opener, a purge kit, a switch to turn the system on, a window switch, a button to activate a "shot." Am I missing something? Obviously this isn't all necessary, but we're talking a full system here.

Also, this will require tuning, right? What are our options here? AFAIK the only thing we need to worry about is tuning the A/F ratio with a nitrous system, correct?

I'll have a zillion more questions as time goes by. Lets get the conversation rolling now, though. Knowledge is POWER!
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Old 12-27-2008, 08:55 PM   #2
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another or bigger fuel pump?
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:02 PM   #3
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What I am reading is that usually with wet systems the stock fuel pump will suffice, but again, this is all application specific and I haven't seen anything on these forums about it.

Also, longevity... like I said, I need this engine to last two years. If I blow it before that it wouldn't be the end of the world, but I'd rather not go through the process of buying a car knowing I have to. Can we run a 40 or 50 shot with minimal use safely?
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:05 PM   #4
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Ask Lazlo. He has a nitrous kit in his car.
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:24 PM   #5
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If i may add my 2 cents of possibely helpful knowledge, bear in mind ive never nitroused a car- I believe it is in ones best interest to keep hose going from the bottle the intake as short as possible and keep it away from heat sources, thus making sure the nitrous does not vaporize too much on its way from the bottle to the target or something to that effect. Now for a question, is it safe to run a tiny dry shot of nitrous thru a CAI if we have the stock manifold? Or is the plasticy shit gonna break due to teh extreme cold of the nitrous?
ballin on a budget.
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:31 PM   #6
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There was a member by the name of project y that had a dry kit on his car without problems apparently. I think he was running a 75 shot but don't quote me on that. It was ZEX too, which I have heard nothing but good things about. That is the system I am leaning towards at this point unless someone with more knowledge has a better idea.
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:44 PM   #7
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The bungs are for a wet system, that is correct. Laszlo mounted his bottle between the seats, he can open it right there. Remote opening is only necessary if you really want to use it "on the fly".

I'll be doing NOS too, at least to have it installed for drag racing and to look pretty. I won't need remote opening.

I have two NOS kits, one of which is for sale. Nitrous Express. Had a classified thread up about it before the hack.
Micro Image forums, online store and shop are now closed. It was a great eight year run, but it was time to focus on other things. I'm still selling parts on eBay under micro*image seller ID and customers can still make requests for anything specific.
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Old 12-28-2008, 04:21 AM   #8
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i have had a 75 shot on my car for about a year i have a wet system
wright into the intake i would recomend using 91 and up octane
i have used it twice one time on the street and one on the dino
have checked my compreson after and both times the comperson stayed wereit was before. i have not seen any damege and i daly my car i hope this helped
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Old 12-28-2008, 09:08 AM   #9
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found that interesting, maybe good for those that want to say they have NOS while still being semi safe. Anyone know if you can run that with the stock mani, and go thru ur CAI?
ballin on a budget.
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Old 12-28-2008, 01:29 PM   #10
Slowy getting there
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another way that I have seen and heard is pretty safe are the fogger systems. I don't know that much about nitrous but I think it instals right before or right after the TB not sure though will do some searching
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Old 12-28-2008, 02:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Chupacabra View Post
Why on earth would you subject this motor to NOS? Please buy some port plugs and get the whole NOS idea out of your can serve no good and all you are going to do is fuck up.
now as long as he doesnt pull a "the fast and the furious" and overuse his nitrous to the point where it can mess up his mani im sure hell be ok. And its not like people with Yaris' are going to spray their car everyday. Using nitrous sparingly shouldnt do too much damage, or at least thats my opinion. Plus if youve got an intake made to be sprayed that takes one prob outta the equation
ballin on a budget.
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Old 12-28-2008, 04:58 PM   #12
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I had two differnt set-up's on car I've own'd in the past and its really simple . For the set-up you'd be running, you'd basically want to get a standard N.o.s "wet" kit. That will have the majority of what you'll need. Then since you'll be running it into each intake runner you'll need extra nozzles , jets, and tubing/tube bender to route it into the runners like shown in the picture . Extras like remote bottle opener and purge aren't really needed imo , you can just un-do the nitrous line from the nitrous selonoid(sp?) and have some one open the bottle to purge the line before you go racing. You'll need one step colder spark plugs , you'll need to run at least 91 octane gas from a good gas station , I'd belive that the stock fuel pump is ok to run , but I'd look into running an inline adjustable fuel pressure regulator with a fuel pressure gauge on it and bump fuel pressure up at least 2-3 psi if running anything more than a 50hp jet(s) . Also invest $100 in an hour of dyno time to tune you air/fuel ratio to the jetting of the nitrous , a lot cheaper than a new motor Lol. Thats just what I got off the top of my head .
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Old 12-28-2008, 05:19 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by mastaofdisasta View Post

found that interesting, maybe good for those that want to say they have NOS while still being semi safe. Anyone know if you can run that with the stock mani, and go thru ur CAI?
Is this only for carburetor applications? This is somewhat more practical than a turbo kit lol

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Old 12-28-2008, 08:41 PM   #14
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I know next to nothing about nitrous, but all I can tell you is:

Oh, it'll be done!

i have had a 75 shot on my car for about a year i have a wet system
wright into the intake i would recomend using 91 and up octane
i have used it twice one time on the street and one on the dino
have checked my compreson after and both times the comperson stayed wereit was before. i have not seen any damege and i daly my car i hope this helped
Thanks laszlo. That does help a bit... so we know that you can run a 75 on a wet system a couple times and your motor probably won't blow up. It would really help to find someone who has blown their motor on nitrous. Maybe I need to go do some searching on Scionlife a little later...

Lol. You need this engine to last, but you're gonna nos it?

Go big or go home!

Or get a engine swap.
The plan is to build the motor a la Garm in a couple of years. Is that big enough? I just want the stock engine to last the full 5 years of the term of my loan, and then it is officially my "toy." Might have to buy a Yaris sedan for a DD.

The sneaky pete! ROFL that thing is awesome. It is no turbo substitute, but it is a good way to get some cheap, low-pro power.

Why on earth would you subject this motor to NOS? Please buy some port plugs and get the whole NOS idea out of your can serve no good and all you are going to do is fuck up.
Oh, now I see the light! You're right! ..........

now as long as he doesnt pull a "the fast and the furious" and overuse his nitrous to the point where it can mess up his mani im sure hell be ok. And its not like people with Yaris' are going to spray their car everyday. Using nitrous sparingly shouldnt do too much damage, or at least thats my opinion. Plus if youve got an intake made to be sprayed that takes one prob outta the equation
I lost the street racing gene a long time ago. This is for track use only.

I had two differnt set-up's on car I've own'd in the past and its really simple . For the set-up you'd be running, you'd basically want to get a standard N.o.s "wet" kit. That will have the majority of what you'll need. Then since you'll be running it into each intake runner you'll need extra nozzles , jets, and tubing/tube bender to route it into the runners like shown in the picture . Extras like remote bottle opener and purge aren't really needed imo , you can just un-do the nitrous line from the nitrous selonoid(sp?) and have some one open the bottle to purge the line before you go racing. You'll need one step colder spark plugs , you'll need to run at least 91 octane gas from a good gas station , I'd belive that the stock fuel pump is ok to run , but I'd look into running an inline adjustable fuel pressure regulator with a fuel pressure gauge on it and bump fuel pressure up at least 2-3 psi if running anything more than a 50hp jet(s) . Also invest $100 in an hour of dyno time to tune you air/fuel ratio to the jetting of the nitrous , a lot cheaper than a new motor Lol. Thats just what I got off the top of my head .
Nice! I know the little extras arent necessary, but for a few hundred extra, I say why not. The gas thing is no problem... I could count on two hands how many tanks haven't been Shell gas in 45,000 miles. I've been insane about fluids in this car. I'm hoping it pays off in the long run. An extra 10 cents a gallon won't kill me. I'll definitely look into the fuel pressure regulator and some dyno time. I'm thinking 50 sounds like enough for the beginning. I'm sure someone would get a kick out of tuning this thing.
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:01 AM   #15
Who said Yaris was slow?
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You don´t really need the 4 nozzle set up!! That is just fancy stuff... It looks cooooool yeah. But not really needed.

Individual port set ups are used for cars running crazy amounts of Nitrous... as the individual port set up helps a better distribution of the juice.

Not even sure how easy it will be to find 4 nozzles that small.

If you plan to runn a 50HP shot you will need 4 nozzles of 12.5 each...

For the small shot this engine will take (I wouldnt go higher than 50hp) the easiest way would be to use only one port.

Nitrous WON´t kill your engine. YOU will...

Just add the standard safety features and don´t go crazy.

You should never spray the car for more than 15-20 sec
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:03 AM   #16
Who said Yaris was slow?
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If Richard ever gets the manifold done for my car I will also be going the route.

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Old 12-29-2008, 03:53 AM   #17
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That actually reminds me of one of my concerns with this, thanks Castrex! What you said about a 50 shot with 4 nozzles... is this manifold set up for serious injection? Should I just plug this thing until I'm ready to build the motor and get a standalone?
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Old 12-29-2008, 10:26 AM   #18
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Here's my 2 cents, I have used N2O on many of my cars and bikes over the years. Chino you are aware this set up (minus the cost of the manifold) will be in excess of 1k? Sure, you can hack together a kit and a very basic set up for probably 700 or so but you really need to decide if you want to do it. I read you want this for track use, well how many times are you going to make it to the track? If you want N2O for show like the others who have it (one member sprayed 2x and thats it?) then great.....get a basic kit and have at it. Personally Im not the type to boast about having N2O and then not use it.

Now, if you want your motor to survive and be reliable then you will need a bottle warmer, purge kit, aux fuel pump, etc. which adds at least $500 to the cost of a kit and now your at 1000+ not including tuning. Also since you mention track use keep in mind your 1st couple of passess and last couple of passes on the bottle will not be consistent and if your drag racing consistency is the key.

Personally N2O is great if used correctly. Like I said I've sprayed a bone stock Eclipse to my turbo ZX1100 to my single turbo Mustang w/plenty of success. Its all about purchasing a high quality kit and the additional parts to safeguard your engine. And then there is the tuning.....
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