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Old 08-22-2012, 12:13 AM   #55
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Does your suspension creak since the collision ? Ours does when stopping and sometimes when cornering . Hope all goes well for you .
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Old 08-22-2012, 06:19 AM   #56
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Not so far. Appears to drive normally. Happy with the estimate given the possible extent of the dammage.
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Old 09-01-2012, 05:49 PM   #57
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After two weeks of driving a rent a reck (Cavalier w 148k) my Yaris is back from the shop! It feels like Im driving the most awesome car in the world compared to that.

Jebus they detailed it! Its beautiful!

The drivers door inside surface had marks and scratches all over it. They are GONE!

The RF hubcap was trashed but they put 4 new ones on. I think. Unless they rubbed the scratches off the other 3? Is that possible? Do caps come only 4 to a set?

This is the car I drove NJ to AK and back last summer 10,400 miles 17 days.
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Old 09-01-2012, 09:53 PM   #58
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Congrats! It looks as though they really did do an awesome job.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:34 AM   #59
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Better than ever . Black is excellent color for the 3 door . Haven't decided on ours yet . What to do ?
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Old 09-02-2012, 03:46 AM   #60
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The only thing I forgot was to ask them why does the paint scratch so easily?
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Old 09-02-2012, 04:02 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Hershey View Post
Better than ever . Black is excellent color for the 3 door . Haven't decided on ours yet . What to do ?
Black is an excellent color for the 3-door re LOOKS (when washed regularly) in VIRTUALLY ANY location. Living with it day to day......claim of excellent = depends on the location. In SE Texas Black, IMHO, is NOT an excellent color for ANY car....unless you plan to be away for the Summer.
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Old 09-02-2012, 08:00 AM   #62
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The AC makes the building I work in so cold that even when its 100 degrees when I leave work in the afternoon I dont use the AC in the Yaris.

On weekends at home its another story. Although for the sake of economy I use it sparingly.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:21 PM   #63
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The clearcoat does get swirls and scratches in it very easily . We always politely ask service departments that give car washes not give one due to the clearcoat . One service center did it when asked not to and there were swirls all over it . That was the Blazing Blue 3 door .
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Old 09-02-2012, 09:24 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by bronsin View Post
The AC makes the building I work in so cold that even when its 100 degrees when I leave work in the afternoon I dont use the AC in the Yaris.

On weekends at home its another story. Although for the sake of economy I use it sparingly.
I haven't looked up the stats to be certain, but going by feeling/experience (time spent at the hottest points of a summer in NJ, PA, and TX) the lower heat index in your area would still be within the realm of the bearable during the Summer (but just barely). Here...people do it, but I wouldn't. In August 2011 on the hottest day of the month the measuring pod in our subdivision (then posted to NWS) was 105 F and the heat index was 120 F. A few miles away (where the humidity level was a fair amount higher) another NWS measuring pod (for lack of a better term) measured that location at 107.9 F and the heat index was in the HIGH 140s (either 147 or 149...I posted it to a thread earlier this year).

I can see not turning the A/C on on the way home from work, especially if you don't have to sit it traffic for a long time on 80, 78, 287, the Turnpike, or the GSP.

It's amazing how cold A/C can make some offices, shops, restaurants, etc. Here in SE Texas I notice this re Starbucks, so I keep a rain poncho in my Yaris to put on if I get too cold in a Starbucks (and to keep me dry when a 'not in the forecast' bout of rain comes along....happens more often than in California).
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Old 09-02-2012, 10:04 PM   #65
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The heat and humidity in Houston in the summer are brutal. AC is a matter of survival.

Clyde Barrow and his family moved to the Dallas area after giving up sharecropping in the 20s.

They lived under a wagon for 2 years.


In NJ the humidity can rival Houston, the heat not quite so much but we can have a couple of uncomfortable weeks in summer.
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Old 09-02-2012, 11:10 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by bronsin View Post
The heat and humidity in Houston in the summer are brutal. AC is a matter of survival.

Clyde Barrow and his family moved to the Dallas area after giving up sharecropping in the 20s.

They lived under a wagon for 2 years.


In NJ the humidity can rival Houston, the heat not quite so much but we can have a couple of uncomfortable weeks in summer.
Matter of survival. Yeah. Literally for some. During August 2011 a few times I heard TV news reports of people dying from the heat (because they didn't have A/C or couldn't afford to use it and couldn't get outside to a place with shade). My house here is Energy Star Certified and cools and maintains it's temperature pretty easily......the opposite of my house in California that had 47++ single pane windows and no A/C (I put ++ because some of them were those slat/louver windows and re toward the 47 I counted each group of those within 1 cut out as 1 window). I had an energy audit done and it was the least energy efficient house the power company had ever tested up to that point, and had all those windows within the low 2000s in square feet. Occasionally, I'd hear a thud that would make a few windows in that house rattle and it would be from a Blue Jay getting 'drunk' on the Pyracantha berries nearby and flying/crashing to its demise against the window...never did hit a window hard enough to crack it though. My house here feels less disruptive to the environment...if I hand water at night, frogs will usually join me.
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Old 09-02-2012, 11:38 PM   #67
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I don't think I could handle that heat .. which is for me harder to handle than the cold. I can handle -40C/-40F .. without too much pain (for short periods of time anyways), but anything over 86 degrees (30 C) is just too hot for me. I know I am a wimp .. but really it seldom gets much over 30C here, which I am very happy about.

The interesting thing .. is that my brother has a house in Phoenix (where it gets as hot as anywhere in the US), and my parents have a house in Palm Springs (not much better). So .. what is it. Well it is a Canadian thing .. that if you can afford it, you can actually enjoy warmer climates rather than freezing your *** off at home. I don't think that I will ever get to that state .. so for me I just hope that me and my Yaris will get thru the winter.

Personally .. the best climate I have ever seen is in Hawaii where 78F/26C is just about right. I also like southern California (Los Angeles area .. where I have found it very nice in January.)

Anyone that is tired of the heat can come for a visit .. it was 53F / 12C here today. That is definitely not hot and not cold. Just about where I like it.

Oh yea ... one final little note. Unlike all of you, I have never used the air conditioning in my Yaris. Helps with the fuel economy.
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Old 09-03-2012, 02:23 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by edmscan View Post
I don't think I could handle that heat .. which is for me harder to handle than the cold. I can handle -40C/-40F .. without too much pain (for short periods of time anyways), but anything over 86 degrees (30 C) is just too hot for me. I know I am a wimp .. but really it seldom gets much over 30C here, which I am very happy about.

The interesting thing .. is that my brother has a house in Phoenix (where it gets as hot as anywhere in the US), and my parents have a house in Palm Springs (not much better). So .. what is it. Well it is a Canadian thing .. that if you can afford it, you can actually enjoy warmer climates rather than freezing your *** off at home. I don't think that I will ever get to that state .. so for me I just hope that me and my Yaris will get thru the winter.

Personally .. the best climate I have ever seen is in Hawaii where 78F/26C is just about right. I also like southern California (Los Angeles area .. where I have found it very nice in January.)

Anyone that is tired of the heat can come for a visit .. it was 53F / 12C here today. That is definitely not hot and not cold. Just about where I like it.

Oh yea ... one final little note. Unlike all of you, I have never used the air conditioning in my Yaris. Helps with the fuel economy.
Yeah, Phoenix is the one place I can think of where the heat index is usually higher than Houston, and I find it hard to travel through there during the Summer heat and could never live there. One of my relatives lived there for almost a decade and he had to head up into the mountains on the weekends to escape the heat. In 2009 I was driving from California to Texas in July and the dust there really disrupted my already disrupted sleep schedule. I eneded up staying for a few days just so I could leave at the right time.

You're right, Palm Springs is a bit better, and I find that I can handle being there. I have a friend who lives in Rancho Mirage and has spent at least 6 months a year in that valley since 1984. He told me that the valley has become less dry re all the development and especially because of the addition of so many golf courses. When I thought about the time I've spent there over the same period (but I was young when I first went there) I'd have to say I agree with him. His wife loves it there too and some of her relatives have made that move as well.

Wow! No A/C use ever. I wonder how many of your fellow Canadian members can say that.
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Old 09-03-2012, 02:28 AM   #69
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^^^^^ I should say Phoenix is the one place where the heat index often gets higher than the Texas Urban Triangle because the heat index can in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin get as high as it does in Houston.
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Old 09-03-2012, 03:17 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by nookandcrannycar View Post
Wow! No A/C use ever. I wonder how many of your fellow Canadian members can say that.
Well I have only had my Yaris for 4 months .. so really maybe someday it will happen. But at this point being September, I am not likely to use my AC this year. But soon I will be using the heat in my Yaris .. this is for certain.
Just a difference in perspective as we live in very different climates.
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Old 01-17-2025, 03:18 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by bronsin View Post
On my way home from work a guy made a left hand turn in front of me. That, or he was trying to do a U or K turn.

I swerved left but JUST caught his rear bumper.

This is the result.

How much do you think it is to fix it? Taking it in today.

From what I can see in the picture, it looks like it's, fortunately, not too bad of an accident. It seems like you'll mostly need to replace the doors and the right front wing, but it doesn’t look like there’s significant structural damage. The cost of repairs will depend on the price list of your specific mechanic. I hope the repair costs won’t be too crazy, but definitely get a good estimate when you take it in. On a side note, my friend recently got into an accident and ended up with injuries. He’s going through the whole process of gathering here medical evidence for a lawsuit. He was not lucky, unfortunately.
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