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Old 05-30-2010, 12:25 AM   #1
Drives: 2010 Yaris
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Arizona
Posts: 12
I just don't know what to do now....

2 weeks ago I spent a couple of hours and almost $75 on product to try to get the swirls and spider webs out of my 3 month old 2010 Red Yaris wax. Got alot of them out but I just don't have the upper body strength to do the whole rub rub rub.

Today I decided to stop at a new hand wax place I've seen and, after talking to the person, showing him the swirls and him telling me that they could, 100%, get rid of the swirls, I left my little Rosie with him. The cost was $75 which I'm not even sure is good or not but it was worth it for me.

A couple of hours later I go to pick her up and she is 10 TIMES WORSE THAN WHEN I LEFT HER. Plus, not even all the wax was out of the crevices and off of the black trim. I almost cried when I saw her, thinking of all the time it was going to take to even get her back to how she was when I took her. Thank goodness I didn't have to pay them a dime. He even tried to tell me that it was scratches in the paint, not the wax (then why was it so much worse than when I left her). He offered for me to come back and see them do it by hand but I didn't want them to touch her again after this.

My daughter thought I was nuts for being so upset but then you should see what her car looks like !!!

The guy tried to show me how well he buffed her up and told me that, no, they didn't need to ever change the pad on the buffer, "feel how soft it is".... UGH!!!

So I guess my questions is...since it looks like I'm going to have to do it to get it how I want it, is there a (resonably priced) buffer that can compensate for the fact that I don't have the strengh or upper body endurance so I can get these damn swirls out?? !!!!

Thank you,
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Old 05-30-2010, 12:20 PM   #2
HTM Yaris
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Your paint should be under warranty . Get the Dealer to do it .

If they don't fix it try a rubbing compound and then wax the Yaris

It doesn't matter how soft the applicator pad is , if there is even just a minute amount of sand/dirt there will be swirl marks .
When waxing my car I use the following steps .

1. Wash car with a high pressure sprayer .( Hold nozzle about 6" away from car ) DO NOT ever use the foam brush on your paint . Some guy who just washed his truck after mud dobbin' probably used the brush and there will be retained sand/dirt waiting to scratch your paint . It ok to use foam brush on wheels and glass ( After you spray the brush out ) .

2. Go immediately to a touchless car wash .
3. Wipe car down with brand NEW soft micro fiber cloth . Utilize this step to remove any dirt you may have missed .
4. Wax car using multiple brand new applicator pads to ensure no contaminates are trapped in the applicator pad . Wax one section at a time .
5. Remove wax with a brand new micro fiber cloth . Buff section with a separate brand new micro fiber cloth .

If you are able to wax your car indoors ( Garage ) do so to eliminate any contaminants that may get on your paint while you are waxing . Try not to wax on a windy day if you are outside for the same reason .

Try to get the dealer to fix first b/c obviously their person screwed it up first . A rubbing compound will definately work , but I hate to suggest a rubbing compound on brand new paint .

Also there are waxes that advertise the removal of swirl marks . You may want to try one of those on a small section of your Yaris to see how effective it is .

Curious , did you use Dawn or any other dish washing liquid ? Dish washing liquid will strip the wax OFF of your Yaris and makes swirl marks . NEVER use dish washing liquid to wash your car .

Oh , and don't forget to wax your head and tail lights . The wax will give them UV protection and keep your lights from "hazing" . Not to mention bug removal can be done with a simple rinse after you wax the lights .

Hope this helps
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